Like all scout groups, 1st Clifton Sea Scouts is run entirely by volunteers – leaders, instructors, assistants, administrators and an Executive Committee.

Do you know what is involved in running a scout group? There’s the obvious things like preparing and running section meetings, taking kids to camp, going boating on the river and organising other fun stuff. You’ve probably noticed our wonderful team of leaders and assistants doing these kind of things every week already.

What about cleaning and maintaining the scout hut, checking and repairing the boats, cutting the grass and hedges, maintaining the van and equipment, driving the minibus, collecting newspapers or putting up marquees to raise extra funds for the group? It may not be obvious, but unfortunately, it’s those same leaders and helpers who are currently doing 90% of these tasks too.

We want our leaders to keep doing great work with our kids and not have to take on all these other jobs too – can you help us? Even an hour, once or twice a year, really would help and if you could do more that would be fantastic. All help will be truly appreciated by everyone in the group and will, of course, benefit your children.

Contact if you have any questions about helping or supporting the group.