Beaver Camp 2018

Wow! What an exciting time we all had!

Last Friday and Saturday (2/3 Feb) many of the Sharks and Dolphins (leaders, young leaders and Scout) met at Snowball Plantation for a night and day of absolute fun.

We arrived and made a range of animal masks and wore them around the camp fire. It was a great atmosphere and we sang lots of songs and talked about fire safety.

After exhausting our singing voices we moved back inside for hot chocolate, hot dogs and fish finger sandwiches. For some reason everyone was still wide awake so we watched some Minion shorts and laughed lots. Ban-an-a!!!!! Then, finally, bedtime!

Some minutes later, morning arrived and we moved onto a day of activities. Many of these related to badges and learning. All of them related to fun. We started with an obstacle course which included javelin, log balance, log relay, football skills and Frisbee throwing. It burnt off a lot of our energy and allowed the Beavers to work as teams to earn points.

Some Beavers are working towards their navigation badge so we split into our groups and, using a compass, worked on a series of questions relating to different points on the site; they had to find their way to these points using their compass and identify the object needed to answer their questions. They all did really well.

All this exercise made us hungry so next on the agenda was learning how to safely light a fire and cooking our own lunch: Campfire Calzone and Wagon wheels. Yum!

And then…home for a rest.

We all had such a good time and, most importantly, we made lots of fun and lots of friends!